
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 3: Chilaxation Time in Boracay Island

by lakwatserong tatay

So after all of those activities, so we just chilax, walk and tour around this Island Paradise name Boracay. Being here for two days was really short, there where so many things to do in this island, but one thing will stand the most.....our family bonding....
Boracay Shoreline
Where we just enjoy staying on its shoreline, staying under the sun.....take some dip on its sea water...taking photo souvenirs on every sites....^_^....for us is was a sulit vacation...bonding time and chilaxation......
the white powder beach of Boracay
In every place, i visited i always see to it, that i could visit it's church, offer some prayers for guidance and our safety.....btw, that time i missed the chance to take some photo opps around it because there was a wedding ceremony that time, it was really jam packed with people, maybe the person that to be married that time was both popular...^_^
Holy Rosary Parish Church of Boracay....
Lucky for us, the owner of the resort where we stayed for two days has there own service, we've given the opportunity to stroll around Boracay using their service vehicle...^_^.
Nikki and Hazel photo opps while strolling around Boracay
As the sunset starts, Boracay activities will not hopping and nightlife will follow...more tourist are now can be seen eating, dining and having socials in each of the restaurant and bars around White Beach Resort.
The Lovely Sunset in Boracay...^_^
And for us, what we did for our last night at Boracay, we just enjoy the night , we had a dinner at one of the resto inside the D'Mall, but before having our dinner that time, we decided to have a henna tattoo in one of the tattoo artist along White Beach.
my tatay's part...
Add caption
and here's mine....
nikki's ambigram tattoo
the final display....our family tattoo...
So after our tattoo session, we then proceed to D'Mall to have our dinner and last drinking session, we got few bottles that night and continue our session at Amigos...tipid mode nah...Our last day and night in Boracay is just enough for us, so much memories, bonding moments and so many photo opps souvenirs. And tomorrow is our time to say Goodbye to Boracay.....^_^
Here's my photo opps @ D' Mall

Day 2: Souvenir Time at D' Talipapa

by lakwatserong tatay

In every place i've been, i do not miss to visit the pasalubong center or souvenir shops. In Boracay souvenirs are everywhere, but there are places that particularly you could buy good stuffs at very reasonable prices.
Here's one place that i could suggest if you want souvenirs from Boracay at a very resonable price, here at D' Talipapa. Not like the famous D'Mall that is also offering souvenir shops, convenient stores and famous shops like when your in a mall, were prices are much higher....^_^
more...and more souvenir stores...
D' Talipapa is situated near Station 2 and walking distance from White Beach particularly near to Boracay Courtyard, Sunset Beach Resort and Amigos Beach Resort. A public market where you could buy souvenir items from native items, keychains, souvenir tshirts, convenient stores and food shops also.
Stores @ D' Talipapa
If your familiar with Manila's Dampa and Seaside market, were you will buy your ingredients and the restaurant will cook it for "Paluto system". Your in the right place, D' Talipapa is a public market where you could buy vegetables, meat, seafoods and other food items at a low price. D' Talipapa offers this kind of paluto system too, where you will buy your own ingredients, mostly seafood, fish and meat and have them cooked for you, in a per kilo basis, similar to our Manila's Dampa...
D' Talipapa's Wet Market
Here are some of the restaurant that offers the paluto services....located just infront of D'Talipapa's Wet Market.
The Paluto Restaurants...^_^
Here some tourist trap tips:

This tip would be more helpful for foreign trippers, as much as possible if your travelling alone or in a group, it better to ask first some locals in the area before going to the market, so for that you would have an idea how much would it cost you, and not be quoted for a tourist price tag, instead you and your group will be quoted the local price.
Lakwatserong Tatay @ D' Talipapa
How to get to D' Talipapa:

From White Beach, you could just walk towards Station 2, near La Carmela, you will see a signage pointing D' Talipapa. Enter and walk thru the alley until you reach the souvenir shops and walk furthermore to reach the D' Talipapa's Wet Market and the Paluto Restaurants.

From Station 1 & Station 3, D' Talipapa is just a short tricycle ride, just tell the driver that you would like to be drop off to D' Talipapa.

Day 2: The Highest Peak of Boracay

Mt. Luho's: Boracay Ocean Tower
by lakwatserong tatay

Our 2nd and final stop for a day of adventure in Boracay...trek up to one of the highest point in Boracay, located adjacent to known old Mt. Luho's view point, where you will have also a 360 degree view of the entire Boracay Island.
The Transformer @ Ocean Tower
The stairs is quite stiff and quite small...with a total of 140+ better be ready to get sweat and i would rather suggest you have your own hydration pack....hehehehe...
entrance to the viewpoint
At the 1st level of Boracay Ocean Tower viewdeck, they have some costumes that are used in Aklan's Festival....where the tourist have the chance to take some photo opps while placing your face and you may look that you wear this Ati-Atihan Festival....^_^
Ati-Atihan Costumes....for free...^_^
Here are some of my shots while staying at the top of Ocean Tower......a 360 degree view of the entire island from resort, beaches, and zipline course and other sites like resthouse..and many more.....^_^
beautiful scenery @ the top...
Boracay Beach Club Resort view...
our ATV route view...
I'm not sure if this is Bulabog Beach view...
Golf course view @ Ocean Tower....
So if you want to have a closer look to this sceneries, be ready with your php10 coin and you could used the binoculars to view them all in a limited my sister did to see the beach closer and of course to have a photo opps..kunyari pa.....^_^
Binoculars @ Ocean Tower viewdeck
Were lucky that time because there were only few tourist that staying at the viewdeck, so we have the viewdeck almost hourse for few minutes...and here are some of our photo souvenirs while up in the Ocean Tower... ulit....^_^
Lakwatserong Tatay @ Ocean Tower Viewdeck..^_^
And of course, when you go up, you have to go down....there are two trails in Ocean Tower, first is for the entrance when you go up and you have to pass on the second trail if your going are some of souvenir shots while going down from Boracay's Ocean Tower...
start of our descent...
quite long stair going down...^_^
tight and stiff stairs.....
few meters to opps muna!!!!
After staying at Ocean Tower for almost 30 minutes, it's time to go back to Go Kart station and ended our day of activities in Boracay....^_^ here's one of our last shot before driving back to Go Kart Station...^_^
sarap magkaroon nito...astig!!!!!
Trip Tips: Here are some of the Boracay Adeventures you could experience...and for me maybe the next time i go back on Boracay...i'll try all of this...weh!!!!!

Island Hopping, Flyfish and Banana Boat, Zorb Ball, Zipline, Scuba Diving, Speedboat Ride, Go Kart, Jet Ski, Kute boarding, Hiking & Trekking.....and more...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 2: A Visit to Everland Aviary Farm

by lakwatserong tatay

Part of our adventures that day was to drive by yourself and all-terrain vehicles, were we have a guided tour for 1 hour, but as far as i remember, our tour was almost 1 and half hour, maybe it would be depending on your guide....if he will be courteous enough to give you excess time...lucky for us we have a very kind tour guide...^_^..
Everland Aviary Fam
Being 1st timers on Boracay, i intended to have guided tours for our activity, so it would be a hassle free vacation for us. Although i've heard that their another farm, i'm not really familiar with it's name "Butterfly Farm", which is much better than this farm and it's entrance is much reasonable than Everland Aviary Farm.
But what could we do, we availed a tour package for a very reasonable price, so because of that we don't have a choice and just enjoy the sceneries and activities that is included on our guided tour that day.
Park Marker.....
The entrance fee for this farm is php70, it is quite pricey, but all in all my family had fun, so for me, it was worth a try to have our 1st stop over.
Everland Aviary Park Entrance (php70)
So if you will based the park's name, on what you will see inside...different birds in cages from peacock, love birds, parrot, cockatoo, diamond dove and a bat, that is open to the public, where tourist have the chance to have photo souvenir with a bat....
one of the birds....
my tatay's photo opps with the bat...
Seeing this bat makes me feel a bit guilt that we've part of some tourist that taking opportunity to grab some souvenir shots together with the bat, as you will see the bat's wing is stretch from time to time, personally i didn't want to see the bat in cage, specially what the park does with it, but what can i do, im just one of the tourist patronizing this aviary maybe by this reminder i could help the bat...and for the aviary park, i do hope they have precautionary procedure because this is still a wildlife creature and anytime there could be something unexpected thing that could occur....
the poor bat.....
A one big monitor lizard in captivity is also can be found in Everland....
monitor lizard....
And unique thing i found in this place is the cage that their been using, most of the bird cages came from a sidecar of a bike, or an actual atv that already for trash, here's the one good thing that i like, to recycled it they just used metal screens to served as a bird cage for their small birds in captivity.

more....more birds in captivity.....^_^
Of course, we did not miss to have ouf family photo opps inside the aviary farm and here are some of  it..^_^
@ viewdeck part of Everland Aviary
me, my brother nikki & my sister lyca...^_^
One last shot before we proceed to our next and final stop of ATV adventure.....^_^.^_^
After our stay and tour inside Everland Aviary Farm, were back on the road, drive more uphill and have our final stop....trek up to Ocean Tower and have the chance to view the whole Island of Boracay....^_^...