
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Meet up with Prony the Python

Biggest Bohol Python Snake
Alburquerque, Bohol
By Lakwatsero

The largest python in captivity. Prony the python lives in a concrete and steel cage in the middle of the jungle. A long and rocky, winding road leads to her enclosure.

Prony the Python

The family that keeps Prony has a small business selling Bohol souvenirs, exhibiting the snake and other small animals and birds indigenous to the area. Besides Prony we also saw what looked like crows, myna birds, some lizards, a couple of smaller snakes, a beautiful white headed hawk (might have been an eagle), and several flying lemurs, which were hanging upside down in their cage.

Philippine Flying Lemur

White-headed hawk....

As I approached the cage I saw a huge snake coiled up in the corner. Her body was bigger in diameter than my thigh. There was no way to tell how long she was but this is without a doubt, one big snake.

a breath taking moment with Prony...hehehehe!

The owner came, opened the cage and went in. She then invited anyone who wanted to come in and “get personal” with her pet. With some hesitation I entered and slowly stroked Prony on her head. All I could think about was JLo in the movie Anaconda and how quick that snake could move. Luckily Prony wasn’t hungry and let me admire her.

Few of my teammates , also came in for a photo opportunity with Prony.

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G.K. Chesterton

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