
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Puerto Galera: Night Life

The Sling Shot of Puerto Galera
Hiyas Bar (
White Beach Resort)
By Lakwatsero

Mindoro Sling
Night life in Puerto Galera is not complete without drinking Mindoro Sling. Mindoro Sling is a popular cocktail drink that is served with slices of apple. It is a mix of rhum, orange juice, mango juice, grenadine syrup and Sprite. If you are with a small group, it is best to order one pitcher of it instead of ordering by the glass. Of course if your other friends are not into cocktails, just order a glass of it since ordering a pitcher of Mindoro Sling may cause you to be a little dizzy after drinking it. One of the most crowded bar at night is Hiyas Bar.

Hiyas Bar

@ another angle

Here’s one of the many Mindoro Sling recipes out there (parrot head stirrer not included). Just mix all the ingredients in a pitcher and enjoy.

1 lapad of Tanduay rhum
1 can of Gina’s Mango Nectar juice
1-1/2 jigger of Sunny Orange syrup
1-1/2 jigger calamansi concentrate
1 jigger Grenadine
1 can Sprite
fresh apple and orange slices
lots of ice

Below are some shots of Hiyas Bar fire dance show. Luckily for our group we got a chance to have a photo opps with one of the fire dance performers. Yehey...

the main star of Fire Dance show that night.

And of course, to enjoy the Mindoro Sling, it would be great to have some grilled goodies or some chips with it. Great “pulutan” treats would be Liempo, Chicken Kabob, Chicken Barbeque and grilled hotdogs.And for the “washing”, you could just have a bottle of beer.

tower of beer...yes!!!!!

Team Escaran on the loose.....

i was really amazed with this dance....

After having all that liquors, maybe one of the most effects of that liquors is shown below...hehehehe...

ricky is really laughing...hehehe

do u still remember this dave.

and the winner is......bebe....hehehe

of course i have the opportunity too...

Of course, i will not miss the chance to have picture the sponsor of Mindoro Sling, Tanduay mascots? Do they look mascots? hehehehe.....including shomen noodles...sad to say they don't have free taste for their products...

yours truly with the roving mascots? hehehehe...

Group pic with Team Shomen

To end our night, we were all drunk in short...hehe...what do you think? So by the next time you drink this kind of liquors, just drink it moderately.

However, if you don't have the chance to go to Puerto Galera, what I’m going to give you now are the several Mindoro Sling recipes as given to me by my friends. If you have your own Mindoro Sling concoction, do share them below.

Version 1:

1 Can of Dole Four Seasons Juice
1 Bottle of Ginebra GSM

Version 2:

1 Bottle of vodka
1 jigger Grenadine
1 cup of triple sec
1 Big can of pineapple-orange juice
1/2 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice

Just mix everything and add lots of ice and top with fresh apple and orange slices. Another reminder Please drink moderately....hehehe...enjoy!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Regarding with the picture that are not in correct date it come from my xplorer buddy jeson...pasaway eh..hindi nagset ng maayos ng camera. and some picture for my Puerto Galera entry were edited.

1 comment:

  1. salamat sa ingredients...
    susubukan ko po toh.


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G.K. Chesterton

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