
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Palogtoc Falls

San Roque, Bulusan, Sorsogon
by lakwatserong tatay

After staying overnight in the town of Irosin, our group started the sunny going up to Bulusan and Rizal, Sorsogon.
To see the famous Bulusan Lake of Sorsogon, but of course, going up there is not as easy as that, with a kind of transportation we had bring. It was a difficult ride...hehehehe...But upo pursuing to Bulusan Lake, along the way of the road up to Bulusan Volcano Natural Park where Bulusan Park is also the start of the jumpoff for some mountaineer and backapackers want to conquer Mt. Bulusan. Photo opps is always been our priority.
xplorerboyz @ Irosin Townplaza
Before we started to go uphill to Bulusan, there was a bridge that captured our sight. Maybe because the river does not have flowing water anymore but we have the nice view of Mt. Bulusan, and of course, photo opps is really nice set in it started....This is the Rangas Bridge before going up to San Roque, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Below are some of our groups pix and one of them really get us laughed...hehehe...!!!! sorry po....joke...joke...

Xplorerboyz in Photo session mode
Thanks once again...for this perfect spot....

Remember what i have said earlier....just kidding around...just want to have a remembrance...

Upon going up hill, we reached the town of Bulusan, that is also part of Palogtoc Falls, This falls is right beside the road up to Bulusan Volcano Natural Park. This signage by the road can't be missed because it is few kilometers before reaching the Bulusan Volcano Natural Park.
Palogtoc Falls signage
Aside from that you can see left side of this pathway to Palogtoc Falls. A store where you buy some products and display souvenirs made of Volcanic Ash Products. We were lucky that time to see some actual product while lolo is making one of his product.
Volcanic Ash Product Store
Palogtoc Falls also known as Palogtok Falls. A small waterfalls fills this man-made earthen swimming pool where the gurgling water flows from just a few feet upon the hillside. It is actually just a mini-water fall but the coolness of its spring water is really sweet and refreshing. It can be reached after a 15-20 minutes leisure walk through rolling hills carpeted with green grass under a canopy of tall coconut trees and some pili trees also present along the trail. This is situated within the area of Masacrot Spring - an alternative choice also to suit your taste, just in case. This mini-waterfalls has also an entrance as i remember it was P20/head, but that time we did not pay entrance because we just go their to take some photos for our remembrance. Below are some of our photographs while our leisure going to the mini waterfalls.

One of the Palogtoc Falls signage.
What a huge pili tree?
Palogtoc Falls trail
Xplorerboyz in action...hehehehe... last....
Palogtoc Falls entrance
Once again, photo opps continuous....hehehe....before the entrane, going down to the falls and of course in pool area. Just to add this mini-waterfalls also has smalls huts for the visitor wants to stay for few hours to swim within the cold spring waters of Palogtoc Falls.

Xplorerboyz is always on the go...when it comes to photo opps...see!!!!!
Below is the pictures taken within the pool area and of course the Palogtoc Falls...
Palogtoc Falls
Pool area on each other sides
Of course, we may not going to swim on this pool but we didn't forget to try to get wet and feel the cold spring water of this falls. It is really true that is really cold and refreshing water.

Xplorersboyz @ Palogtoc Falls
Even it just a few minutes of stay. It was indeed fun and also remarkable because it is the first time of one of our co-xplorer jayson "d eagle" to try to do mini what do you think will join us in our backpacking activities...
it is thumbs up...
So stay tuned for the next adventure......The Bulusan Natural Volcano Park and One of the Sorsogon's Pride, The Bulusan Lake.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mateo Hot & Cold Springs Resort

One of the Irosin's Town Pride
San Benon, Monbon, Irosin, Sorsogon
by lakwatserong tatay

Located around the foot of Mount Bulusan, in the adjacent towns of Irosin and Bulusan, are the hot and cot spring resorts. One of this is on San Benon, where we had stayed overnight, other is in Mapaso, and the mineral (soda) water spa's of Masacrot and Palogtok to soothe tired bodies and rickety bones.

So after hours and few minutes of photo opps at Irosin's Hilltop Church, we proceed to Brgy. Monbon, Irosin, Sorsogon, were Mateo Hot & Cold Spring Resort. Before you will arrive on this resort you will also passed another spring resort. I forgot the name of it. But based to my xplorer body, it is not as hot as Mateo offers. And the ambience of nature is not as like as Mateo. So after some discussion we proceed, it is almost the last part of this Brgy. The road is not establish as others, neither asphalted upon reaching this resort it is really a bit bumpy ride and passed by also  PHIVOLCS Bulusan Volcano Observatory. Mateo Hot & Cold Spring Resort has dormitory-type accomodations, including poolside picnic cottages, shower and dressing rooms, features swimming pools with hot to tepid water, and cold spring water. Soaking in the hot water pool is soothing and relaxing, and is believed medicinal. The hot spring water flows from the Bulusan Volcano since the resort is located at its foot.

It was really dark when we arrived, they were few guest also staying overnight. As you can see opps is the first thing we did....hehehe...

photo opps first...hehehe...
So after deciding on what room we will stay. We selected a dorm house that could cater us four. But with only a ceiling fan......not an air conditioned room. We headed to their resort's canteen. Crissalyn's Mini Canteen. We had our dinner as you can see below.....ang dami ba...4 persons lng kakain nyan....hehehehe!!!!!
dinner is served.....yahooo.....
Of course, what you will do, if your in a resort. 1st we have to have liquors and 2nd of course ready ourselves to a night swimming....and last of course the most important do not forget your camera's.......It was indeed nice to swim by night because you will really appreciate the hot spring pool. By the way this resort has two pools one is for kids and other is for big guys like us. In  the bigger pool there is a portion that the tube of hot water is in hot po be careful if you go there...Here some of the pictures taken on our night swimming.

xplorer's in swimming mode again....hehehe...
After a bit tiring night...It was really nice that while drinking you will take a dip into a hot spring. It really helps you to decrease the alcohol effect that you will feel afterwards...So in short, we all do not have hangovers....yehey...Once again, photo session started....To much appreciate the beauty of this resort. To see the nature within. And lastly, to give you some advice about this resort with regards to its accomodation and rates. This resort is really quite affordable but don't expect as much as you can do. This resort need some improvements but all in all. It was a really nice stay at this resort.

xplorerboyz in photo session mode...
Here are the two pools: below is the pool for adults 5ft deep and the other one is for kids that can be accompanied by their parents and it is not as hot as this below...
for adults....
for kids....
Here are some informations for Mateo Hot & Cold Spring Resort:

I. Swimming entrance fee:
     Day Swim           P25/head
     Night Swim        P30/head
     Shade Rentals (umbrella type):
     Big Shade        P150
     Small Shade     P80
II. Lodging- Room Rates:
 A. Rooms w/ CR outside:
     Overnight Stay (12hrs.)     P150 / head
     Whole Day        (24hrs.)     P250/ head
 B.  Rooms w/ CR inside:
     Overnight Stay (12hrs.)     P250/ head
     Whole Day       (24hrs.)    P300/ head
 C. Aircon Rooms:
      Rooms nos. 301 & 304 (24hrs)    P1500/room
 **additional of P250/ head (excess of 2 persons)**
 D. Big Aircon Rooms (24hrs.)      P3000 (8 person max)
Resort Cr's
Here are some of our pictures taken while we were in this resort. Hope it helps you alot to appreciate this resort.

Hot pool signage for adult pool
The nature view of this resort
view from the upper part of the pools
the lodging rooms
Below is where our room located. Last room right side of this isle. Please don't expect as i have said. This resort maybe needing improvement when it comes to room accomodations.
this is a one big painting....hehehe...
Our room....please feel free to visit....hehehe...what do you think?

Our 4 beds
our comfort room
Here is the house rules of Mateo Resort:

1.  Upon check-in, be sure to identify your stay whether it is whole day, overnight or shortime by signing the logbook sheet at the information office.
2.  Direct all payments at the information office and secure for an official receipts.
3.  All items that are found inside the room are your accountability during your stay. Any damages or losses of properties or items found inside the room will be your liability to the mngt.
4.  Strictly no vandalism, drinking of liquours, smoking, and cooking inside the room.
5.  As to your valuables, (cash, appliances, gadgets or any pertinent documents) please deposit them to the information office in case you want to go out for whatever purposes.
6.  Failure to comply with no. of five stipulation, we shall not be responsible for any losses.
7.  Only those registered customers are allowed to enter the lodging house.
8.  In case of ordering meals, do not hesitate to inform our caretaker.
9. Silence should be observed properly.
10.  Before checking-out, please turnoff the lights, fan or air con and faucets. Caretaker will do the final inspection before collecting the room key.
Mateo Resort's Fees
Canteen Resort
A pavilion house located beside the office where you could have your videoker session or you could use when you dine in on their resort's canteen.

Resort's Pavilion
breakfast time...
After staying halfday and an overnight in Town of Irosin. We passed by also the Phivolcs Bulusan Volcano Observatory but sad to say it was closed that time...huhuhu....So to end our  experience in the town of Irosin. It was really nice to be here, and we will really definitely go back here. We have to proceed for our next destination the placed of Bulusan and Rizal, Sorsogon. Start the 3rd day of a 5 days of different adventure.

Xplorerboyz with our Trike Mobile
Yours truly at Phivolcs Mt. Bulusan Observatory

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Glimpse of Irosin, Sorsogon

Irosin's Hilltop Church
St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church
by lakwatserong tatay

After a staying in one of the most beautiful island i've been, Paguriran Island and singalong with a videoke for few hours, and a stopover to Bacon District Parish Church. Our group is now heading to another town. The town of Irosin, Sorsogon, of course once again with the help of our trike mobile.....

Going back to Sorsogon City
After almost an hour, we were back at Sorsogon City. It was around 330 in the afternoon, we had refreshment courtesy of Aling Susan's Halo-Halo @ Calle Nueva St., Sorsogon City. That break was really helpful...hehehe....ang sarap ng is just for P20, it has a complete ingredients of an halo-halo, aside from that it has a toppings of ube, langka, leche plan and ice!!!!
Xplorerboyz in eating....hehehehe
After having that break, we proceed to our destination because it is getting late afternoon. We arrive in the City town proper of Irosin passed 5 in the afternoon. This town is our 2nd stop of day 2 of different adventure, our plan is to go first at St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church also known as the Hilltop Church and stay for the rest of the night in Mateo Hotspring Resort. we wer in a bit hurry to get in the church to have some nice shot of it, and luckily we captured some it.
Irosin Town Landmark
Touring our country will always include the visitation to different Churches. Seeing it historical facades, the ruins of our past and present. One will see how Christianity influence the lives of the filipinos. Even the smallest communities do have their own chapels.

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church, Irosin, Sorsogon
Situated in a top of the Hill of Poblacion, Irosin, Sorsogon is the St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church. Churchgoers of this church have to climb the 100 steps to workship in this breezy, scenic and spacious church. This church is can be reach in two ways. Aside from using the 100 steps of stairs, the other one is an asphalt road for vehicles, or you could walk in too. When we arrive at this church, the mass started, so we were contented to take some pictures far away to pay respect to the church mass. Below are some the pictures weve taken while we were in the church.

Church altar
Church marker
The 74 steps staircase
one of the sides of the church
This Church has another smaller hill, located on the asphalt road way, called as the Little Baguio, where  the Grotto of Virgin Mary is located. From this part also you can have the clearer view of Mt. Bulusan Volcano and affording churchgoers and visitors a panoramic view of the town and the surrounding countryside beyond but sad to say when we got on that place it is getting darker.

Grotto on the side of this church

Irosin's Church Bell
St. Michael guarding this Church
The other side of the church were the bell is located
It was almost 6pm when we departed Irosin's Hilltop Church, it was once again a nice experience seeing one of the tourist spots and among the best picturesque church in Sorsogon. Watch out for my next entry with regards to Mateo Hotspring Resort, also situated here at Irosin, Sorsogon.
come on...let's go...picture time !!!!!