
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Palogtoc Falls

San Roque, Bulusan, Sorsogon
by lakwatserong tatay

After staying overnight in the town of Irosin, our group started the sunny going up to Bulusan and Rizal, Sorsogon.
To see the famous Bulusan Lake of Sorsogon, but of course, going up there is not as easy as that, with a kind of transportation we had bring. It was a difficult ride...hehehehe...But upo pursuing to Bulusan Lake, along the way of the road up to Bulusan Volcano Natural Park where Bulusan Park is also the start of the jumpoff for some mountaineer and backapackers want to conquer Mt. Bulusan. Photo opps is always been our priority.
xplorerboyz @ Irosin Townplaza
Before we started to go uphill to Bulusan, there was a bridge that captured our sight. Maybe because the river does not have flowing water anymore but we have the nice view of Mt. Bulusan, and of course, photo opps is really nice set in it started....This is the Rangas Bridge before going up to San Roque, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Below are some of our groups pix and one of them really get us laughed...hehehe...!!!! sorry po....joke...joke...

Xplorerboyz in Photo session mode
Thanks once again...for this perfect spot....

Remember what i have said earlier....just kidding around...just want to have a remembrance...

Upon going up hill, we reached the town of Bulusan, that is also part of Palogtoc Falls, This falls is right beside the road up to Bulusan Volcano Natural Park. This signage by the road can't be missed because it is few kilometers before reaching the Bulusan Volcano Natural Park.
Palogtoc Falls signage
Aside from that you can see left side of this pathway to Palogtoc Falls. A store where you buy some products and display souvenirs made of Volcanic Ash Products. We were lucky that time to see some actual product while lolo is making one of his product.
Volcanic Ash Product Store
Palogtoc Falls also known as Palogtok Falls. A small waterfalls fills this man-made earthen swimming pool where the gurgling water flows from just a few feet upon the hillside. It is actually just a mini-water fall but the coolness of its spring water is really sweet and refreshing. It can be reached after a 15-20 minutes leisure walk through rolling hills carpeted with green grass under a canopy of tall coconut trees and some pili trees also present along the trail. This is situated within the area of Masacrot Spring - an alternative choice also to suit your taste, just in case. This mini-waterfalls has also an entrance as i remember it was P20/head, but that time we did not pay entrance because we just go their to take some photos for our remembrance. Below are some of our photographs while our leisure going to the mini waterfalls.

One of the Palogtoc Falls signage.
What a huge pili tree?
Palogtoc Falls trail
Xplorerboyz in action...hehehehe... last....
Palogtoc Falls entrance
Once again, photo opps continuous....hehehe....before the entrane, going down to the falls and of course in pool area. Just to add this mini-waterfalls also has smalls huts for the visitor wants to stay for few hours to swim within the cold spring waters of Palogtoc Falls.

Xplorerboyz is always on the go...when it comes to photo opps...see!!!!!
Below is the pictures taken within the pool area and of course the Palogtoc Falls...
Palogtoc Falls
Pool area on each other sides
Of course, we may not going to swim on this pool but we didn't forget to try to get wet and feel the cold spring water of this falls. It is really true that is really cold and refreshing water.

Xplorersboyz @ Palogtoc Falls
Even it just a few minutes of stay. It was indeed fun and also remarkable because it is the first time of one of our co-xplorer jayson "d eagle" to try to do mini what do you think will join us in our backpacking activities...
it is thumbs up...
So stay tuned for the next adventure......The Bulusan Natural Volcano Park and One of the Sorsogon's Pride, The Bulusan Lake.


  1. nice adventure... sana makapunta din ako dyan someday... happy trip!!!

  2. hi,
    thanks again, by next week ko nga pala masesend ung IT for the climb, but tomorrow ko siguro ifoforward your teaser.

  3. i enjoy trekking down the lakes than mountain climbing.. hehe easier to eh, mas maganda pa ang view.

    may gusto ko marating jan sa sorsogon.. it's subic matnog..

  4. i do hope mam chyng mainvite ko kayo sa isa sa mga magiging climbs ko.


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton

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