
Saturday, February 12, 2011

San Pablo's Seven Lakes: Twin Lakes (Lake Yambo) and Hike to Mt. Malauban

Short Trek to Mt. Malauban
Brgy. San Lorenzo, San Pablo City, Laguna
by lakwatserong tatay

This is the fourth of the seven lakes that we visited that day, and also one of the twin lakes of San Pablo. Lake Yambo. This lake is can reachable with the same access of Lake Pandin, were you will trek for almost 20-30 minutes to reach Lake Pandin. But the difference between this 2 lakes, is you must have to rent the bamboo rafts and trek the hill called as Mt. Malauban located in Lake Pandin before you could see the scenic view of Lake Yambo. Mt. Malauban peak's serves as the barrier between this beautiful and scenic lakes.
Lake Yambo
Lake Yambo is although accessable on the town of Nagcarlan, but our group did not try that route. On that route, you will not have to use or rent a bamboo raft to reach Lake Yambo, just inquire to some of the locals of Nagcarlan, they could easily guide you to see the other side of Lake Yambo (Nagcarlan side).
Lake Yambo Marker
Lake Yambo is also located in Brgy. San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Laguna. Lake Yambo has an area of 28.5 hectares 8 hectares bigger than Lake Pandin. Like Lake Pandin, this lake is considered to be oligotropic, and is suitable for swimming, outings and picnics.
Jump off point to Mt. Malauban before you will see Lake Yambo
Here are some of the photos that we taken while doing mini trekking to Mt. Malauban and viewing the Lake Yambo.
Xplorerboyz @ Trekking to Mt. Malauban
A myth story about this twin lake:

Based from very rich couple lived in a beautiful house surrounded by a entensive fuit orchard and flower garden. They had and could have anything that money could buy. However, despite the rich, comfort and convinience of life that they have, the couple were still lonely. They prayed continuingly that if they would be favored with a child, they would do anything that they might be asked to do. After twnety years of married life, their prayers was answered. A fairy lady showed up to inform them that their prayers would be granted provided, however, that the lady baby to be born should not be allowed to set foot on mother earth; otherwise, something terrible would be fall the family.

A daughter was born to the rejoicing couple, and the girl grew up to be a beautiful woman. All these years she had never set foot on mother earth. Then a young man invited her to come down the house and promenade with him about the green orchard, but the girl demurred. Suddenly the young man grabbed the ball of thread and threw it out of the window, and would not listen to the pleadings of the girl to retrive the ball for she could not get if herself. Angrily, the girl forgot her parents's instructions and got out of the house to get back her ball of thread. She has hardly stepped on mother earth when a terrible noise followed by the cracking grumble of the earth and the heavy downpour eventually converted the orchard into a twin lagunes separated from each other by a bare strip of land. Learning about the story, fate of the two lovers, the peole of the nearby villages named one lagune after the girl who was Pandin, and the other after the boy's name Yambo.

Below is the scenic view of Lake Yambo from Mt. Malauban. We did not have the chance to swim on this lake because of the availability of rafts. But i think if you are in the other side of this lake, you could have the chance to swim on this lake. Just like what we do in Lake Pandin.

Lake Yambo
Given the chance to choose between those lakes that we visited, i personally considered and recomment to visit and stay for a while on this lakes, Lake Pandin and Lake Yambo, because of some reasons, 1st, is the people are friendly and very accomodating. 2nd, seeing such lakes like this and with the feeling of breeze of its air within those two lakes shows how the place is so safe to stay, and last one, i suggest you may stay for some moments up in the hill that separates this two lakes called as Mt. Malauban. I think that place is one of the exact location where you could relax for a while. Like what we just did.
Lake Yambo is been Xplored......
Of course, i will not miss this opps @ Mt. Malauban & with view of Lake Yambo..this is my fourth lake......three to go....
Lakwatserong Tatay @ Top of Mt. Malauban & view of Lake Yambo
Watch out for the last 3 lakes, and the places that we visited at Nagcarlan, Laguna......


  1. ang ganda...gusto ko ring pumunta jan...nagpunta kayo ng nagcarlan sir? yan ang susunod kong agenda...matagal ko ng gustong puntahan yung underground cemetery...panu pumunta sa nagcarlan if galing ako ng pasay?

  2. @asiong...sori sa late reply d2 kc ngaun palwan..hehehe...ah sir skay po kau bus na palucena sa my lrt taft bus terminal den pabba ksa san pablo tpos skay u jeep panagcarlan tpos pbba kna skto underground cmetery alam npo ng mga drivers un

  3. hi. sir. pano pagpunta sa yabo lake from alabang kami may dala po kami sasakyan. mag knu po ung entrance if ever sa yambo lake. pede mag dala ng food or sa lake yambo na lang bibile? thanks.

  4. @rachell..sorry po for the late reply...medyo naging busy lang for the past few days...from express way, eto po yung way papunta ng quezon province, yun lang po sa crossing po un, sa left is going to quezon and straight ahead is San Pablo, pero para mas sure po kayo you could ask direction although tigin ko wala naman po ligaw, and sa yambo lake po wala po entrance and you may bring food po, sa lake pandin po yun meron na inooffer sa food and sa balsa po kayo kakain....^_^


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G.K. Chesterton

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