
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cudugnon Cove

by lakwatserong tatay

Next on our list is Cudugnon Cove. Known to be the island where you could find Cudugnon Cave. After our caving activity with Cudugnon Cave, our group choose to take our lunch on its adjacent shores that i called as Cudugnon Cove. It is just a few meters of purely powdered shoreline, with some available nipa houses and huts. Aside from that, the cove is actually covered by trees, that would make a better place to stay and chilax.
Cudugnon Cove
After a wavy sailing along El Nido's coast, we arrive a little bit lunch  time in Cudugnon Cave. At first what we did is explore the area, and of course it cave, this island is known for.
our boat
After exploring and photo sessions at the cave, the boat owner suggested that we will gonna take our lunch on this place instead in Snake Island. That for us is really beneficial because of its trees shading the resting area. We will got a time to relax and sleep for a while because of its sunny and smooth air breeze around its cove....
Cudugnon's shed
We were really lucky that time because we where the only group stayed on that cove that time, so we felt we really owned the island that time. What we did is just relax and swim all the way.
the shoreline....
Going to Cudugnon Cave
Upon waiting for few minutes before serving our lunch, i had the chance to explore the place, take some souvenir shots and and of course my photo opps too. Below are some of my shots around Cudugnon Cove.
view from the tree sheds
Upon asking to the caretaker that time, you must ask permission on the El Nido tourism office, because the place is a privately owned and also available for really sorry because i do not have the chance to ask who will be the contact person and how much will gonna cost for the overnight stay on Cudugnon Cove. Hope you will share it to me when ever you will have the chance to ask for its accomodation....^_^
The Nipa houses that are available for rent....^_^
Here's another one.....

Some of my photos....
The cooking area
Sulo by night....
There were many flowers like this on this cove
Here is my photo opps with the owner of Cadlao Tours, Ate Beth....
It's me with the boat owner "Ate Beth"
And afterwards of my photo session around the area, we had our lunch served, and it was really awesome food. We were all satisfied and had the moment of relaxation in Cudugnon.
Our lunch that
lunch time....^_^
siesta time....
Here is one of my last shot before getting on board on our boat.....bye..bye...Cudugnon Cave and its Cove.
one last shot....
Lakwatserong Tatay was here....^_^
Cudugnon Cave is truly one of the best island spots in El Nido, aside from having its fascinating cave. Its natural cove is a perfect combination for the adventurous trippers like us, who are looking for some caving experience likewise relaxation and chilaxation time. So don't missed out this island on you itinerary...^_^

And now......Three islands to go...and our 2nd day of island hopping will gonna end. Next stop is one of the famous tourist destination when you come to El Nido's Bay, its called the "Snake Island".

This story is part of: Five Days Trip at Palawan

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G.K. Chesterton

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