
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Immaculate Conception Cathedral

The Century Old Cathedral of Puerto Princesa
by lakwatserong tatay

In every place that i've visited, i never missed out to visit this spot, a church. Aside from seeking guidance and asking for a safety trip. Seeing different churches makes me always wondering how it was built and constructed, of course this kind of churches that is century-old and considered as a historical evidence for our culture and our past...^_^

Catholicism is one of the influences of the Spaniards that still remains up to this day and one big reason why we do have so many old churches on our country. Cathedrals that are built wayback 1800's is still existing today, which this church belongs.
Immaculate Conception Cathedral
The cathedral was built during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines in the late part of 1800's. Since then, it has become part of every Palaweños spiritual refuge. Father Antonio Muro leveled a portion of a hill to make way for a chapel, where the same location of the cathedral, this used to be a small church during the Spanisih occupation (1872).
In 1961, it was developed to become a cathedral. Although there were developments made, the church edifice was preserved. Its design, as you may have notice, has angular structures. The arches inside and outside the church are pointed.
Historically, the place was named after Princess Eulalia of Spain, born in 1864 to Quenn Isabel II and her consort. Dr. Francisco de Asis. When the princess suffered an untimely death, the Queen changed the name to Puerto de la Princesa. In years, the name was eventually reduced to Puerto Princesa.

Church Altar
Immaculate Conception Cathedral stands on a hill near the pier and its spires serve as a landmark for navigating your way around Puerto Princesa, located exactly in Rizal Street, Brgy. Liwanag. This church is one of the tourist attractions in the city because of its architectural site aside from being a historical place, because of its angular structures and the color combination decoration of white and blue. Yet, it is so simple but its angular structures made it simply amazing.
Choir Area
During our visit to the cathedral, I saw a handful of locals and even tourist, that are reciting their prayers and offering some sampaguitas to different saints in the church. According to Kuya Manny, this is one of the reasons why this church became popular due to its countless blessings and miracles granted by the town patroness.
Different saint are present inside this Church
In line with this, and if your lucky to be on this place during the Feast of Immaculate Conception, it is celebrated every November 28 to December 8, which coincides with the founding anniversary of Puerto Princesa City.
Bowl of Blessed Holy Water
Tips on how to get to the cathedral is by riding a tricycle, and just tell the driver to drop you off in the cathedral.
One last shot....^_^
Lakwatserong Tatay is here...^_^
Wow, o diba ngaun makadiyos naman ako...^_^. But seriously speaking, in every time i'm going out of towns, this spot is the most important on my itinerary. It's always a good habit reciting prayers and asking for the guidance of our Lord in each of our trips. Because he is only the one who could see what could happen on each of our trips and even daily routines.

At last, 3 more stories to go......finish na po un Palawan Series ko...^_^.
This story is part of: Five Days Trip at Palawan


  1. pansin ko nga, mahilig ka sa churches, kasama medyo marami na ang entry mo for churches, that's a really good habit,like ko yan.

  2. @anonymous...medyo nga po talaga...siyempre po iba na malapit ky GOD, para always safe po sa mga travels.


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton

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