
Friday, July 13, 2012

It All Starts with Backpacking

Now called as The Lakwatserong Tatay......

Way back 2004, really changed my life...when my nanay died due to an asthma attack that cause my nanay to be in comma in ICU unit for more than a week and didn't survive.

Me and nanay was not so close, i'm more than a papa's boy. The time when that was happened, i was on a state of shock, i don't know what to do, even talk to her, and ask for some apologize, even enter the room where she stayed, i wasn't able to do that....i know it was too late...the only time that i had the courage to go inside her room was the time when the doctor's tell us that my nanay is on critical stage and only the life supports helps him to be alive...i don't know what to do, even my work was been affected, i've been awol for more than a month, just lucky for me my bosses understand...

Most of my friends, relatives and colleagues told me..."that's life dude, life must go on, even i'm hurting inside, i have to go on and move forward for my mother will see all of those things and be proud of, even she's gone...."

But there's one thing, that sticks to my mind and I will not forget of....that came from one of my buddies....."That if i really want to talk to my nanay, go for some mountains..."

And then after all starts.......

I've started backpacking, and trekking to different mountains, right after the 40th day my mother died, and add to that my addiction of travelling to different places even though i don't have any camera on my travels, i just rely to their copies thru their memory cards and most of the time, im printing it for my souvenir....^_^.

Since 2004, i've been to different places and mountains, i just feel bad because that time, i don't have any camera's for my souvenir shots. I just rely used to do multiple print of picture copies, i do really missed hidalgo right now....^_^ I've been a volunteer of Red Cross too wayback 2004, for almost a year, the experience being a member of Red Cross was so full of fun, and most of the time....adventures..because you have to go to and trave to different distorted areas and places, few off them are calamities and most of the time outreach programs....^_^

And then came, SPI Mountaineering Club, where i've been part for more than 5 years until now....a company owned outdoor club, that promotes work-life balance. This group most likely organized me as a backpacker, i had the chance to attend some training, workshops and even meet few of the famous filipino mountaineers that reach Mt. Everest....^_^

The compilation of pictures below was actually came from my presentation that i used when i first started on my present job right now. While were on a class room training, we have to do a presentation that discusses ourselves and this was a result of it.....infact i won it and got a surprise gift from our trainor...hehehehe...^_^

Mt. Manalmon, 1st ever climb with SPIMC
My 2nd climb with this group  was held at Maimpis Falls of Liliw, Laguna. Where i had my 1st ever trekking accident. I had a broken nose due by stepping on a loose and wet rock while were on a river trail....

my 2nd climb....^_^
One of my most memorable trip with SPIMC, most of my friends, relatives and sister-in-law, got mad at me...who would you think that a father like me, go on an outdoor activity even you wife just recent give a birth for your 1st one else but ME.....actually my wife really understand it, even it was just few days after she give birth to my son, she actually insist to go on this scheduled outdoor trip of mine....infact i already tell this to my eldest son who is 5 years old right now, how bad i am actually that time...but im so lucky that both of them have the same my son says....."ok lang yun tatay...minsan naman po kasama mo ako sa mga lakad na ganito eh....."

My 1st ever visit to Sagada
One of my most memorable outdoor outreach activity with my group happened at Sitio Kanawan, Morong, Bataan, were we actually interact with the aetas, created one of there classrooms and built an restroom for their place....i'm also part of the advance team to do most of that construction, and as a reward to us...we had the chance to visit their hidden falls, Bisay Falls of Mt. Kairukan....^_^

My 1st outdoor outreach activity with SPIMC
The time came that i have to be inducted and it was happen in a place, that is now really known for it beach part of Batangas, known to be Brgy. Laiya, in San Juan, Batnagas. Now a days this place got really crowded when summertime comes and really been commercialize. Our group was just a bit lucky to see its pristine beachshore and happy locals that time...^_^

Mt. Daguldol, Batch Eco, Induction Climb
Our group usually joined other mountaineering groups, one of our suki's is YABAG group, this mountain (Mt. Balingkilat aka Pointed Peak) was the 1st ever mountain that i promise not to go back , 1st is was so open to heat of the sun, there where so many dangerous trail, one of that was...our trailmaster had to go first just to place rope to the other end..and just only a few inch of path that you to step thru the help of the rope you could go and walk to other end and there's also one very steep part that is really dangerous..

Ang sinumpa ko ng bundok...Mt. Balingkilat
One of the most leisure climb i've ever had is Tayak Hill, that is happen to be a part of Mt. Cristobal, there's a trail going to Mt. Cristobal....isa sa mga pinakapetiks kong climb....^_^

Pinakapetiks kong climb...Tayak Hill
My first ever experience to see Moriones Festival and been held with a M16 in Mt. Malindig, by some security personel in a tower site up going to summit of Malindig, as we were told we have to get permits coming from Camp Crame before we could go on and reach the summit of this mountain. Aside from that experience i was able to see the Moriones, do spelunking on various caves, swimming on Molbog Sulfur Pool, and did an island hopping on Marinduque.....^_^

Ang sarap maglibot sa Marinduque....^_^
Accidents can happen anytime, anyplace and anywhere....And my 2nd outdoor accident happened on induction climb for Batch Foxtrot in Mt. Arayat of Pampanga..... when one of the inductees accidentally step on a loose rock and that loose rock fell from my forehead...huhuhuhu...but even i got an open wound that time, it doesn't stop me to reach the summit of Mt. Arayat and do the induction rights of Batch Foxtrot.

My 2nd trekking accident...
I've been to different summits and had the chance to climb the highest mountain of our country. But one of the most mountains that i would love to go back is Mt. Ugo. The chance to do traverse trekking from Kayapa, Nueva Viscaya to Itogon, Benguet. Seeing cascaded mountains, walking for more than 12 hours just to see the summit of Mt. Ugo....was one of my most memorable experience....and i would really love to go back....^_^

Mt. Samiento & Mt. Ugo summits...
My 2nd mountain that is now on my checklist not to go again...although it was one of a kind experience with that mountain....specially the papaya river that doesn't have any papaya's around...hehehehe..and one thing i really missed is the sea of clouds in the ridge....that you would really see in the early morning.......^_^

Mt. Mariveles (Tarak Ridge)....
Aside from having outreach, were also indulge with caring of our mother nature by joining different tree planting activities, and here is one of my favorite....our tree planting in Mt. could see in one of my photos while in lying in a hammock....^_^

Mt. Makiling Tree Planting
And then how i became a backpacker/hiker/traveler....dami noh.....i've been to different places, and sceneries that we could be really fascinated of, i've meet and greet different people and societies, and i would like to take the chance to say thank you to these two groups that made me a better person, SPIMC and YABAG, because of this two institution, i've learned alot, it always makes me to remember that to respect other's own beliefs and own behaviours, so in return they will respect you too, when i'm on a trip. And one of the most important qoute of a mountaineer like me...."Take nothing but pictures...Leave nothing, but footprints and Kill nothing, but time".....some of the travelers has their own reasons why we travel, some of us is for study, or for advertisement and for some, like me, is personal...

As i right this entry, i would really like to thanks for the persons who made me realize that i should share my travel experiences, they made me inspire of their fashions for travel...sharing all of there adventures....without this 3 person, i could not start my own blog...Chyng of No Spam, no Virus, No Kiddin!, Mervin of Pinoy Adventurista, and Dom of Dong Ho Eskapo, i've been into blogsphere for more than 2 now and now known to as Lakwatserong Tatay (Brian) of Meet the X-plorers. I do hope you like my short history why i became a traveler, and also hope someday that we could bump in with our next journey' for now i'll be ending this journey and hope to see your's too......^_^

This post is my official entry for the Pinoy Travel Blogger Blog Carnival for the Month of July with the theme "The Journey that Made us Travel Bloggers" hosted by Edmar of Edmaration #TownExplorer.

How about you? What makes you a Travel Blogger?


  1. Awesome writeup! I really have to start planning on my BUKID trips. Im such a loser ive never been to any mountain.. but hills? ohyes occassionally. I love how you started backpacking. groups really make you a better you :)


  2. I really want to try..bukid trip but i need to prepare myself..a whole lot of preperation for me....thank you for sharing your story such an inspiring:)

    Ingats sa mga lakad lagi:)

  3. @wander shugah...thanks po...its all because of my nanay, if my nanay didn't died, maybe im not now known as lakwatserong tatay...

  4. @sunny toast....thanks po...hope i've inspired you alot to try BUKID trips...^_^

  5. I am really impressed with your passion. I am a frustrated climber but I was too hesitant to join other climbers because I have so many What if's kind of stuff everytime they invite me . Cheers to looking forward!

  6. Hello Brian. I am actually reserving my comments a day before I will publish the compilation but while reading your post for me to teaser-ize, I can't help but to leave my comments. I just love how passionate you are in doing this kind of stuff. I love the outdoor-spirit that you have here. That is so much inspiring man! I'm inspired, I am humbled. Yeah, continue that passion and I just want to thank you so much for joining the blog carnival, I am learning a lot as the host. Cheers!

  7. Surely, you have indeed gone through different heights! :) I'm sure your mom is looking down from the heavens, smiling so brightly at your achievements, particularly for pursuing your love to travel and climb. :) Keep on traveling! happy that you have a very supportive family. :)

  8. @sir edmar....thanks po rin sa naorganize nyo blog carnival...ansarap pala balikan ng mga nakaraan..lalo na nun makita ko yun mga pictures ko dahil dun namiss ko muling mamundok kasi ngayon medyo bihira na ang pamumundok siyempre namiss ko muli ang isa sa mga taong pinakaimportante sa buhay ko ang NANAY ko....missed you nay...sana nakikita at nababasa mo ito...

  9. @mai...thanks po...halos pareho lang pala tayo...di ko nga napigilan umiyak nun makita ko yun entry mo...same to you..i know your father right now is really proud on what you are doing, having the same passion what your father...keep also on travelling...and hope to bump in with your travels...^_^

  10. I definitely agree that climbing mountains can definitely turn you into an instant travel junkie. I myself have been yearning to climb more and more since my first major climb.

    Great article. Happy blogging always!

  11. @drew...yap, actually it brings you into a different level of adventure..and you could make so many friends in mountaineering....^_^

    btw..thanks po...^_^

  12. a process of knowning yourself more.
    learning :D

  13. @ken...yes sir your really right...dun namulat ang kaadikan ko sa nature...^_^


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton

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