
Monday, November 18, 2013

Guest Post: Thinking of Ecotourism? Come and Visit Bonito

Upon arriving in Bonito, you realize that it is no coincidence that this cityis considered as the best destinationfor Ecotourism in Brazil in 2013.This recognition was given by the magazine Viagem e Turismo. The city itself does not offer many tourist attractions. The highlight comes from its geographical location, ideal for those who like to stay in touch with nature. 

Situated on the Bodoquena Hills, the place is full of caves, sinkholes, places that are highly sought after for rappelling and hiking. Moreover, the transparent waters of the rivers that cross the region are an invitation to dive and know more about the aquatic life of the region.

Another much visited tourist spot is the Blue Lake Cave, the cave has in its interior a blue lake with dimensions that make it one of the largest flooded cavities in the planet. 

Inside the cave, you will be able to see a lake with intensely bluish water, whose depth can reach 90 meters. With its geological formations - not only the ceiling as the floor of the cave is filled with speleothems of various shapes and sizes - attracting the attention of tourists and researchers worldwide.

Nobody knows for sure where the water comes from, although it is believedthat there is an underground river that feeds the lake. 

During the night the bars and restaurants of the city offer many different options for typical food of the region, the most requested dish is the baked fish, which is caught in the region itself.

The city offers a variety of hotels and farm lodges. In this site you can find some options of hotels.

The people of Bonito are very receptive and hospitable and are already accustomed to the presence of foreigners who come every year to experience the natural beauty of the city or to go to the Winter Festival, a concert with many Brazilian artists that always takes place between the months of July and August (this season is winter in Brazil).

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G.K. Chesterton

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