
Friday, February 26, 2010

A Visit to Fort San Pedro, Cebu

Fort San Pedro
Pier 1 Area, Cebu City
by Lakwatsero
On the island of Cebu in the tropical Philippines a landmark of world history rests near the sea. The stories of several countries are tied to the heavy stone walls of Fort San Pedro.

Fort San Pedro

Taken from the past!!!

Cebu from the past!!!

The History of Fuerza de San Pedro

A destination that every cab driver on the island of Cebu knows, Fort San Pedro (Fuerza de San Pedro) stands as a memory of the multicultural heritage of what is the modern Philippines. The varied cultures of Spain, America, Japan and the native Filipinos have all had their time in Fort San Pedro.
Fort San Pedro Marker

One of the old canyon can be seen in Fort San Pedro

The fort was begun in 1565 when Spanish conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legazpi had it built for the military. Named in honour of his ship the ‘San Pedro’ the fort went virtually unknown until around 1739 when it was finally finished after 2 centuries of construction.

Fort San Pedro Museum

hall way within Fort San Pedro

From that time Fort San Pedro or ‘Fuerza de San Pedro’ was at points throughout history: barracks, a prison, a zoo, a classroom, a Japanese prison camp, a hospital, offices of government agencies and now a monument and museum. By the late 1960s the fort was in need of a major renovation. To uphold the original design coral stones were brought from the ocean around Cebu. The walls stand 20 feet high and a formidable 8 feet in depth.

view from the view deck

Overlooking the Sea

Fort San Pedro is on A Pigafetta Street in the area of the Plaza Independencia near Pier 1 facing the ocean on two sides. With dramatic views surrounding the fort it is an incredible tourist site. The interior gardens are lush with tropical foliage and flowers bloom near the ancient canons. Inside the walls is a make shift museum of antiques and remnants from throughout the history of Fort San Pedro.

Back of the Fort San Pedro Entrance

Entry to Fort San Pedro as of now is 30 PHP which is a steal to spend the day in such a treasured historical site with amazing natural features at every turn. The fort is open for visitors from about 9am to 7pm. Unfortunately the site does not have a tourist office to contact for more information but once at Fort San Pedro the locals are very helpful and interested in tourists.

Last part of barriered wall of Fort San Pedro

of course this is my photo opps!!!!!

Across from Fort San Pedro the Plaza Independencia is a large green space where visitors can see the core of Cebu city across a very busy crisscross of streets. The Plaza is a great place to people watch and check out the local transportation including colourful Jeepneys (a kind of inner city bus) and bicycles with sidecars built on.

GI Joe's with our Special Guest's.....

Another angle!!!!

Of course in every place that we've gone, there will so many happy memories to be remembered and one of this is the very important thing......the Victory jump!!!!!!!!! yahu..........

group jump

"the couple jump"!!!!hehehehe

ok hon, just take a pose....

wow....Hot Babes!!!!!!!! hahahaha!!!!!

And to end our Fort San Pedro invasion, the ladies of GI joe's take a pose too!!!!!!! Hoping to be back again.....

Entrance Fee: P30 Parking Fee: Free of Charge

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G.K. Chesterton

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