
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DIY Trip: San Ildefonso Parish Church of Tanay

by lakwatserong tatay

As we start our journey in Tanay and part of 3W2C1M Trip, our first stop is one of the historic structure in Rizal, a 410 years old church, that has been part of our history, lies beside Tanay Park, The San Ildefonso Parish Church, or commonly known as Tanay Church. This church has gone through different rehabilitation and renovation due to natural calamities back in the 1600's and now it still stood and will stand as a silent witness to Tanay's history.

San Ildefonso Parish Church

Here's a quick history....The church was built first in Nipa and Bamboo in 1606, by 1640 the convent was started and in 1680 church was rebuilt but was demolished and 1773 it was repaired and by 1783 San Ildefonso Church was completed and rebuilt in stone by Father Ildefonso Fentanes. In July 31, 2001, the church is declared as a National Cultural Treasure by the National Commission by Culture and Arts.

Historical Marker

As we got inside, we found the interior of this centuries--old church colorful and charming - quite whimsical, as its stark contrast to its stone-cold exterior. With the sunlight enters added extra charm to its beauty.

We wasn't able to go up to choir loft and church's bell tower. However, if you want to it, you may go near the guard post which has a wooden staircase leads to the second floor where another door leads back to church's choir loft.

The church it self has main altar and two others on its both sides, making it grandious one. As you will roamed around there are some rooms where you could offer a pray. Adoration Chapel is located in the school's courtyard enclosed with grey brick walls resembling a classic spanish Colonial structure too.

confession room

bowl of holy water

church's bell tower

near the adoration chapel

San Ildefonso College

Me @ Church of Tanay
We stayed for a few moment, offered some prayers for our safe journey for the day. Take some pictures with its exterior and interior facade, which i really most like, and add this to my collection of visited churches in our country.

Next stops...Waterfalls of Tanay....Daranak and Batlag Falls...


  1. i noticed that there's a lot of churches with a square/curved type ceiling in that area.

    sulit ang mag church hop sa rizalat laguna.

  2. @dom....uu tama ka dun...sulit talaga visita iglesia dito...sakto malapit na semana santa...

    tara magchurch hop na tayo...iset mo na toh...^_^


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton

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