
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Church of Holy Infant Catholic

A Glimpse of Parish of San Antonio
by lakwatserong tatay
Everytime i'm visiting different places, there's one place that i will not miss. Visiting it's parish church, and now i'm with another group of trippers. Our group will explore the town of San Antonio, Zambales, where the famous coves can be found. This town is the jumpoff for all the coves and island that is located near San Antonio.
Parish Church of San Antonio
This Church was created due to Mt. Pinatubo eruption on June 15, 1991 almost destroyed the entire church. For five years, this church was a make-shift chapel. Then by September 3, 1996, with the approval and encouragement of Bishop Deogracias S. Iñiguez Jr. construction of new church started, and after one year of construction on September 27, 1997, Church of Holy Infant was opened, and ready to served the people of San Antonio.
The center isle of the Church
Church's Altar
Before going to Public Wet & Dry Market of San Antonio, i visited this church first, to pray for guidance and safety of our trip that day. And of course, everytime i'm visiting churches, i really love to take some picture inside a church, like what i have shared to you....^_^
Choir group area
One of the most unique piece in a church are different saints placed in different portion of a church. Maybe for the reason, that some advocates and devotees pray for specific saints. Like on this church, the presence of different saints can be found.
Patron Saints around the Church
Also this piece, is always present in a church, that comes with different styles, like this picture below, most of the bowls of holy water i've found in churches is included and cemented in two of the big post of the church entrance. But this one is a copper based type stand that has a bowl of holy ^_^.
Bowl of Holy Water
After offering some prayers and taking some of photo souvenirs inside the church. Of course, Church marker is always part of a church. Specially like this church that is built after the Mt. Pinatubo explosion.
Church Marker
Of course, one of the most important place inside a church, the confession area, where us, devotees, seeking guidance and ask for forgiveness, in a way of talking with a parish priest.
Church's confession area
Parish Church of Holy Infant Jesus
And then, after visiting the Church of San Antonio, we tripper go to the public market and buy some of food stuffs and beverages thtat we will be using on our trip to Anawangin.
One last look of Parish Church of San Antonio
Parish of Holy Infant Jesus
San Antonio, Zambales, 2206
Tel. no.: +63(47) 913-4507
Titular: Holy Infant Jesus, (2nd Sunday of January)

Next stop is our journey to Zambales and our sailing experience to Anawangin....^_^

This story is part of: Weekend Getaway at San Antonio, Zambales

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“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton

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