
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Glimpse of Camara Island

by lakwatserong tatay

The Camara islands known and called sometimes as Camera Islands lie a few kilometers from the shores of Pundaquit, Zambales. The Camara islands are 2kms offshore and counterpart to this islands is Capones Island which is a 3 kms father (5.2 kms offshore). Camara island is known for white beach, speckeled with colorful crushed coral, clear turquoise waters held us spell-bound, and a high rock cliffs beckon rappellers.
The Camara Island
Camara island is the closest and most accessible island from the Pundaquit shores because within 20 minutes away from any nearby resorts depending on the ocean currents, that is usually smoother when it is summertime. This island appears like a giant rock in the middle of the sea that has huge rock formation.
One part  of the shoreline of Camara Island
Here are some of my shots why is this island famous from rappellers enthusiast and i do hope by the next time i'll be back on this place i could try to rappel into this rock cliffs.....^_^.
Rock formation along it's shores
The rock cliff of Camara Island
According to Kuya Joven, there are two Camara islands. Most of the visitors make a quick stop at the bigger island and just pass at the smaller one, what we did we did not passed by on the bigger part of Camara island due to it wavy sea condition when we visited this island.
Some of the rock boulders in Camara
This rock formation below is one of my favorite, because it is the best spot to see the vastness of the ocean and waves smashing the island. You can't see any tree on here because it's not their place to be. Since trees are unavailable to give shade under the sunlight, here are the big rocks that could accomodate them...^_^.
My favorite rock boulder in Camara Island
The island has a great view of the open ocean. It has two sides separated by a white sandbar that visible during lowtide and disappears during high tide. It not maybe perfect for swimming due to big waves that smashing on this island but it could be perfect for snorkeling. For me, the white sand is not fine enough to match the perfection of the aquamarine water as you can see below, but rough rock boudlers and pebbles are very evident in the island.
Our boat ride going back to Pundaquit...
The sands of Camara Island
Here are some of our photo opps while staying in Camara Island....^_^
Trippers @ rockies....^_^
The silhoutte shots....^_^
my solo silhoutte shot...
My co-trippers (Barbie & Elnie) photo opps with Kuya Joven....^_^.
Our boatman...Kuya Joven
Here are some tips while cruising this bay:

Prepare for the rough waters...according to Kuya Joven, waters surrounding Capones island in particular is known to be rough. It is relatively calm only on early morning up to near noontime. It is advised that trippers make take boat ride on the early morning and headback noon time at the latest. If your afraid to experience the rough open seas, or you and your group could go to Camara island instead of venturing on further to Capones island. The waters to Camara islands will be a bit less rough. The fishing boats that are for rents tends to allow their boats to go dangerously near full load which makes the boats dangerous on rough seas, but as of now most of the rented small and big boats have their own life jackets for the safety of their trippers and visitors, so please do cooperate when the boatman ask to wear life jackets....^_^.
Seashore of Camara Island....
This is one thing that i've missed out to find out, were the white beaches moves move around throughout the year. Half of the year they are on one particular side of the island then on the other half, it moves to the other side, so do not be surprised if the beaches on some of the pictures on internet are no longer when you visit Capones. Go to Capones during rainy season (June to Sept) and you will see the white beaches on the North side. Otherwise, you will find the beaches on the South side. For Camara island, near the end of the rainy season and you will get to enjoy a wonderful sandbar linking the two Camara islands, this sandbar literally moves away, not just sink or due to tides of the water but literally crawls away, pushed by changin currents during the other months of the year....^_^.
One last shot.....bye...Camara Island
From this island, you may not want to miss the picturesque contour of Pundaquit and mountains that surround it. This would be a rare moment to see a scenery like this, so rare that i had to stare at it for more than a couple of minutes taking pictures before i realized that we were near the Pundaquit shores....hehehehe..^_^.
Up ahead the Pundaquit Beach....
Landscape shot of Mt. Pundaquit

Pundaquit shores....
Below is one of my souvenir shot on Camara's shore, i do really hope i could see this island again and maybe next time i could experience the "invisible sandbar" of Camara Islands....
Lakwatserong Tatay x-plored Camara Island
Now it's time to say good bye to those islands and cove, Anawangin, Capones and Camara.....but definitely i'll be out for my other post all about the "Capones Lighthouse"....^_^.

This story is part of: Weekend Getaway to San Antonio, Zambales

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G.K. Chesterton

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