Fort Gen. Gregorio H. Del Pilar
Loakan road, Baguio City
by lakwatserong tatay
I've visited Baguio for several times and even gone to this place for the 3rd time. But this time is really different because of my passion for writing that just started just this year, sharing some informations, helpful tips and even guided itineraries. I present The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), boast of a long and illustious history of preparing only the best Filipino men and maybe in future even women for military service. This academy also serves for more than 100 years to be the training ground of our future officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, that can be found in Baguio City.
Road trip to PMA |
Located in Fort Gregorio H. Del Pilar on Loakan Road, visitors of the City of Pines, are all welcome to explore its grounds, view some of the formations and performing of drills of the cadets. Explore its different monuments and shrine. Tribute to Korean War veterans. Visit the different museums starting with vintage tanks, artilleries, and historical military weapons called as the Relic Point, The Air Force Museum and The PMA Museum, actually i really like this museum.
Loakan Airport |
This trip is part of our 1 day city tour of Baguio, we started our trip from Baguio Cathedral Church. The sun is almost up when we arrived at the academy. Most of my fellow trippers are first timer around Baguio City and also first time to visit the Academy. As you will enter this camp you will see different monuments and park such as you will see below.
The Philippine Military Academy |
Here is a Brief History, Traditions and General Information about PMA:
Source is from PMA site......Philippine Military Academy began on October 25, 1898 with the establishment of the Academia Militar in Malolos, Bulacan by virtue of a decree issued by the first president of the young Philippine Republic, General Emilio Aguinaldo. Graduates were awarded regular commission in the armed forces. Its existence was short-lived, barely four months old, up to 20 January 1899, when hostilities between the Americans and Filipinos erupted.
Gregorio Del Pilar Monument |
While the Philippines was under American colonial rule, an officer's school of the Philippine Constabulary was established at the Walled City of Intramuros in Manila on February 17, 1905.It relocated three years later to Baguio City, initially at Camp Henry T. Allen, and subsequently at Teacher's Camp.
Cavaliers Park |
The Philippine Legislature on September 8, 1926 passed Act No. 3496 renaming the school the ‘Philippine Constabulary Academy' and lengthened its course from nine months to three years with provisions to strengthen the faculty and revise its curriculum. On December 21, 1936, Commonwealth Act No. 1 (also known as the National Defense Act) was passed. The law formally created the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) and authorized it to confer a Bachelor of Science degree on its graduates after they successfully complete the four-year course. The outbreak of World War II in late 1941 disrupted training at the Academy. Classes 1942 and 1943 were graduated ahead of schedule, assigned to combat units in various parts of the Philippines. Many perished during the war.
Cadet Circle |
The Philippine Military Academy reopened on May 5, 1947 again at its former location in the Summer Capital, Camp Henry T. Allen. Due to the need for wider grounds, the Academy moved to its present site at Fort Gregorio del Pilar, a sprawling 373-hectare compound in Loakan, some 10 kilometers from downtown Baguio City. Named after the young hero of the battle of Tirad Pass, General Gregorio del Pilar, PMA in its new location was developed into a military training institution with facilities and infrastructure required by a growing academy.
Its pre-war technically-oriented curriculum, patterned after that of the US Military Academy at West Point, was restored. Socio-humanistic courses were added In the 1960s, as the curriculum underwent major changes, and strengthened to balance the techno-scientific disciplines, with a view towards providing a well-rounded education relevant to the needs of a growing Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Replica Map of our Country |
Christmas Season @ PMA |
In 1993, PMA was transformed into a ‘Tri-Service Academy', which introduced specialized, branch-of-service-specific courses in the last two years of training, preparing fresh PMA graduates for their specific branch of service, for the graduates to be ‘field-ready', ‘fleet-ready' or ‘squadron-ready' upon graduation. Also that same year, in accordance with Republic Act 7192, the first female cadets were admitted into the Philippine Military Academy.
Melchor Hall |
PMA Cadets on formation |
Our group was really thrilled to see some of the cadet formations that day, on how snappy the cadets are during formation. The visitors that day were really lucky to see their daily formation before entering their class. All of the cadets gathered in front of Melchor Hall. In formed by platoon, they were really all snappy it attire and attitude. But of course, we were visitors that time, and maybe most of the visitors are first timers, because as i've seen some of the visitors they really want to have a souvenir photo with a cadet. Below were some of the shots taken around PMA grounds, some building structures that are dedicated maybe to some of the generals, the Air Force Museum and your truly also don't hesitate to take a souvenir photo with one of the PMA officers....hehehehe...
Lim Hall |
The Sun Dial infront of Lim Hall |
The Air Force Musuem - some of the aircrafts that been used by are Air Force is placed here to be remembered and served as to show how are Air Force grows.
Photo opps @ Airforce Musuem |
The Best to Visit The Academy is........
The academy has a full of tradition and pageantry. There are several drill exhibitions on weekends, alumni homecomings and celebrations in the month February and graduation ceremonies at the end of the school year. Their manicured grounds are open to the public all year round.
You may call PMA for a schedule of parades, exhibitions and other events.
Management Information System Center
Tel. no.: 447-3690 local 6715
or you may visit they're website:
One of the halls inside this Academy |
Below is some of the shots that i've taken while strolling around the academy.
The PMA Cadet Prayer Room |
Cadet's Prayer |
PMA Tree House |
PMA Kiosk |
PMA Grandstand |
Of course, if you're a visitor in one place you always look for a souvenir shop. The PMA souvenir is located right beside Lopez Hall of Leaders Bldg. The shops also holds a canteen for visitors were they are several food choices you could choose from and one of my favorite the souvenir shop.
Photo opps @ Lopez Hall of Leaders |
Lakwatserong Tatay @ PMA Souvenir Shops |
After an hour of walking around PMA grounds, taking some souvenir shots and even buy on their souvenir shops. Visit some of their museums. Of course, we have to proceed to our next destination which is Mines View Park. But before i proceed, i wont miss to discuss this place, one of my favorite on Fort Del Pilar. The Relic Point, where some of the historic tanks and big and small machinery is located and used to be exhibits.
Korean War Memorial Monument |
The Relic Point @ PMA |
Our trip to Philippine Military Academy ended very well, even though the sun really strikes out for my separate entry for the PMA Museum.
Main Gate of PMA |
But before i is additional tips on how to get to PMA:
By private car -- pass through wooded Loakan Road past a fork in the road (to the right will be Loakan Airport), keep going straight until you see the Fort Gregorio del Pilar gate on your right. About 10 km from Burnham Park and Session Road.
By taxi cab -- you may hire a taxi cab for Php200/hour to tour you around Baguio CIty, or maybe just to take you to and inside PMA and back so you can tour the grounds by car and partially on foot.
By jeepney -- take the Plaza-Loakan-PMA jeepney from the Central Business District.
Welcome!!!!!!! This place is been Xplored...... |
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