
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Camiguin: Sunken Cemetery

by lakwatserong tatay

The first thing in my mind when i planned this trip is to see this landmark, i may not sure is this one of the famous when you talk about Camiguin, but i'm quite curious about this place. So i really make sure that this spot would be part of our Camiguin tour.

The cemented path going to Sunken Cemetery
It was already past afternoon when we arrived. It was really a shinny day. Good timing for us, but as i done researched with this place, some says it must better to be seen while sunset....maybe to become more adventurous and picturesque place...^_^

My first glimpse of Sunken Cemetery
As we got out of our multicab, few locals already approach us, known to be bangkero's on Sunken Cemetery, if we would like to try to go near and have the chance to step in the monument of giant cross. All of us did not hesitate and just cost us 40php for entrance and tip to the bangkero's for their wonderful trick shots...^_^

our two of bangkero's
The rocky seashore infront of Sunken Cemetery
Sunken Cemetery is located in Bonbon, Catarman. One of the greatest evidence of the fatal volcanic eruption of Mt. Vulcan that happened many years ago in this volcanic island. According to history, the whole capital of Camiguin including its cemetery, sunk under the sea during the volcanic eruption and strong earthquake happened in 1871. After that volcanic eruption, part of the cemetery land is visible when low tide. But in 1948, Mt. Vulcan erupted again, sinking whole area deeper to around 20 mtrs. high. From then on, the gravestone beneath can never be seen.

Beneath this seawaters are the gravestone of their ancestors
In 1982, the Provincial Goernment of Camiguin built a huge cross marker on the waters of the Sunken Cemetery to commemorate the site as they considered the sunken graves of their ancestors and to always remember about the sunken cemetery. From then, it was called the "Sunken Cemetery". That is now considered one of the interesting diving and snorkeling sites in our country. Sad to say no one of us had the courage to go swim above this cemetery...^_^

So let's go to the brighter side of our adventures in Sunken Cemetery. We're so happy to have our bangkero's that time because they give us so much tricks shots around this giant cross marker. As seen below...^_^
looks like i'm a giant that stepping a mountain..^_^
i'm carrying the cross..^_^
padel flying is more fun in the philippines...^_^
I had also the chance to get inside the giant cross that time and take this as a souvenir photo. My co-explorer Johari actually tried to climb but just few meters high, he decided to go down again, as he have told us, he just felt a weird feeling that time....hmmm..ano kaya un...^_^

inside the giant cross
And of course, we will not missed the group photo opps in Sunken Cemetery...^_^

one last look before saying goodbye....
The seawaters that surround Sunken Cemetery marker is calm. If you're a snorkeler or a diver, you may explore the site, that has a depth from 5 to 20 meters. As per our bangkero's, there were soft and hard corals, had a great marine environment. It's an easy dive site without any dangers such as strong currents. Aside having great marine environment, the surrounding has greenery and great landscape sceneries.

rock part coastal side...
one of the local bangkero's
melvin, and i with our kuya bangkero..^_^
me, melvin & reggie's photo opps while the boat ride..^_^
johari's trick shot..^_^
me & regie's trick shot, holding by hand the giant cross..^_^
The chance to see the Sunken Cemetery was a great and fulfilling experience and makes me more appreciative about the whole Island of Camiguin. The past of sunken cemetery is one of a kind tragic event but the way the locals of Camiguin valued the historic site and its heritage made me see the kind of people they are. How they overcome such scenario like that and make it on a positive way, give respect and make a commemorative marker of the past.

lakwatserong tatay x-plored Sunken Cemetery...
Done with Sunken Cemetery.... next adventure stop....trekking to Walkways of Old Volcano and Station of the Cross and many more.....^_^

This is part of our 6-Days Northern Mindanao Escapades. Visited and X-plored 4 Provinces: Misamis Oriental, Camiguin Island, Bukidnon and Lanao Del Norte. Our second stop is Camiguin Island , that is known as the "Island Born of Fire", the 2nd province of Northern Mindanao.

Food Trips:
Food finds: Camiguin's Unique Dessert : Kiping
Food finds: Vjandep Bakeshop : Camiguin's Famous Pastel

Pabua Cottages

Tours & Activities:
Having Fun at Sto. NiƱo Cold Spring Resort
Bura Soda Pool Resort
Walk to the Old Church Ruins
Trek to Walkway to the Old Volcano and Station of the Cross
Sunken Cemetery
Relaxation at Ardent Hot Spring Resort
A Glance with Katibawasan Falls
Camiguin's Ostrich Farm
Snorkeling at Giant Clams Sanctuary
Glimpse of Tanguines Lagoon

Island Hopping:
White Island
Mantigue Island


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton

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