
Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekend Getaway Show: Reminiscin.....Vigan Episode

The Lakwatserong Tatay's
by lakwatserong tatay

Wow, it's been almost a year since i became a Weekend Warrior and i wasn't still able to share the stories, behind the scenes and tours we have in Vigan, Ilocos sur. The shoot happened last June 9-12, 2011...wahhh..ang sarap maging nakakamiss siya syempre....^_^

It all started Wednesday night, one of the drivers from GMA crew fetch us from our work to go straight to GMA Network Quezon City. After waiting for almost an hour, we started the first shoot the meet and greet at GMA Network building....nakakahiya un promise...hehehehe...share ko nalang un complete video nito..Past 12 midnight when we left Manila and heading in no where, of course the Weekend Getaway crew did not say it to us.....Until we reach our destination, at first i thought we will be heading South, going to airport but not, where heading towards SLEX, there's so many place that got into my mind that time, but the crew was really been quite for the whole, instead they started shooting while we were in the van cruising NLEX...hehehehe...

It was almost 6am when we reach our actual lang ang nasabi namin ni Johari that time...kasi nasa harap namin nun yun famous heritage street in Vigan "Calle Crisologo" at ang malupit pa nun, nagstay kami sa "Vigan Plaza Hotel", as in wala na kami masabi...Jec (segment procedure), told us that time to stay for the meantime at our room, because in few hours we will start our shoot....o diba parang artista lang...the first shoot happen at Plaza Burgos just infront of Vigan Plaza Hotel...afterwards we got again in the van and go for our next destination.....and our first mission started....^_^
After our Educational Vigan River Cruise in Mestizo River, one of the historical sites in Vigan. One of our tourist guide handed over the famous envelope in the show....our Mission #1: We have to cruise go back in Mestizo River and go in one of the fishpens where we have to get fish (tilapia) by using a sinker for fishing...olds skool type...hehehehe....

Vigan River Cruise.....
SG Jec & Sir tourist guide...(sorry po nakalimutan)...
This was the place where we have to go fishing at first we're thinking that one of us should go dip in the river...buti nalang hindi un ang naisip nila....^_^

Grabe walkway ng mga fish pens dito...katakot...feeling ko nun time na yun bibigay ang mga dinadaanan namin...^_^

So then the shoot again started, although we did have some feel na feel ang pagiging warriors...hehehehe...we have to finish the task before the given time to i remember it was 10 minutes, but were lucky that time most of the fish were earthworm in sila na ang lumalapit sa bingwit...kaya ang bilis namin natapos....yehey.....Mission Accomplish: Mission #1.

our tilapia.....^_^
After our first mission, we then started some of our free tours (i'll be sharing this by my next post)......
It was almost noontime, it was the time we will meet and greet Mr. Drew Arellano....So shoot again, now it was held inside Vigan Plaza Hotel, after some chitchat....the WGA crew said we just have to rest for our next destination and after an hour...Aubrey go to our room and told us to got ready....So when we got out...the camera were already set on the reception area and the receptionist handed us again the famous envelope.....start of our Mission #2....

Drew in Maria Arellano custome...with Aubrey ^_^
Sad to say for this missiong we did not have any souvenir pictures, maybe it was one of the hardest challenges they have...Vigan is known with kalesa's, right? So our next mission was all about Kalesa, we lakwatserong tatay's was used in exchange of the horses been used. We have to walk and be a manhorse with our "lady passenger", Doña Maria Arellano...hehehehehe...Our starting point was infront of Vigan Cathedral Church walk around up to Ilocos Capitol Hall and proceed to streets of Calle Crisologo and go back infront of Vigan Cathedral Church were Doña Maria Arellano will be attending a mass. We have to finish the task within 20 minutes....grabe dito talaga lumabas pawis ko....may pagkawet & medyo nabwisit pa ko akalain mo ba naman puro pala one way ang daanan sa Vigan....^_^
But we still manage to finish the task and Doña Maria Arellano got the chance to attend the mass....^_^ Mission Accomplish: Mission #2...yehey....check nyo nlang yun video nya ha...

Third and final was a very early shoot, we got in a local house, not familiar with the place, but it was certainly obvious that we will have our next task.....^_^

It was a residential place but it has a unique characteristic due to big rotating machine that is used squeeze a sugarcane (tubo), infact in one side of this place, there was mountainlike of squeeze and dried sugarcane....

Although we have an idea, that this place would be our final destination for our Mission #3, we did not expect that it would be really a easier task for us...because as the owner shows us how to do it, he used a carabao to turn it around, at first we thought that we will just manuover the carabao to squeeze a sugarcane....but as the famous envelope handed........Mission #3: We have to the carabao, fill a 500 liter plastic bottle with the juice of sugar cane....awwww...hehehehehe...and here it goes....

We actually did it so dast with the given time, we thought that it would be really hard enough for us, but because we used a right strategy, we alble to the the mission #3.....

Mission Accomplish: Mission we finish it, SP (Jec) instructed as to be wacky around this device to have a photo opps and additional video shoot....hehehehe...^_^
Photo opps with Drew...
And as their promise......we won the prize package of double dinner date at Chef Laudico...which was also has a video coverage....

Lakwatserong Tatay's with WGA Crew.....
Of course, we did not missed our self portrait shot opportunity with our prize.....Thanks Weekend Getaway....

And for one last time our laminated souvenir certificate for Chef Laudico...a double dinner date worth fairness nabusog kami...pero parang bitin pa din, panoorin nyo nlang un link ng video....^_^

our prize.......^_^
But for the Last time.....THANK YOU SO MUCH....for the experience you've given to us, even we're Tatay's nah....we know that this is a once in a lifetime experience......more pwoer to your show....^_^...i know you're 1 year old now WEEKEND GETAWAY.....and i hope all of the travel aspirants out there will be given a chance like what happen to us as VIGAN WEEKEND WARRIORS EPISODE ......^_^

Here it is, our Vigan Episode of Weekend Getaway Show: From Episode 1 - 5.....

btw, watch out for my separate posts of our adventure together with Weekend Getaway Crews in Ilocos Sur and 3 of it's town....^_^

Here are the links and behind the scenes of our Weekend Getaway Journey for Vigan Episode of GMA News TV 11 (featuring Lakwatserong Tatay's):

Weekend Getaway: Vigan Plaza Hotel and Cafe Bigaa
Weekend Getaway: Historical River Cruise at Mestizo River
Weekend Getaway: Vigan's Heritage Village "Calle Crisologo"
Weekend Getaway: The Majestic Waterfalls of Ilocos Sur: "Pinsal Falls"
Weekend Getaway: One of the Treasures of Ilocos Sur : "Cabugao Beach Resort"
Weekend Getaway: Vigan's Secret Garden: "The Hidden Garden"
Weekend Getaway: One Night of Food Trippin' Experience in Vigan City
Weekend Getaway: Vigan Church: St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral
Weekend Getaway: Vigan's Burnay Factory : Fidel Go's Ruby Jar Factory
Weekend Getaway: Vigan's Arce Mansion
Weekend Getaway: Our Baluarte Experience
Weekend Getaway: Mindoro Airport (Vigan Airport)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Teleserv's: Blogger's Breakfast Treat

by lakwatserong tatay

It was a great shinny morning, Saturday, April 14, 2012. I got luckily chosen to attend a blogger's breakfast treat by Teleserv. A usual event and treat together with bloggers, held at Harvest Gastro Pub, a newly opened resto-bar that started 2 months ago.

The event was hosted by it's Teleserv Executives (Mr. Raffy David and Mr. Ronald de Vera), together with NSO representatives and the attendees, us Bloggers....^_^. This event was all about Teleserv's services: the NSO Birth Certificate Delivery, Marriage or Death Certificates deliveries, Online appointment system for DFA Passport application, POEA Balik-Manggagawa OEC delivery.

Blogger's Invite Postcard...^_^
This is my first time to attend such activities like this, i used to go to NSO main office at Quezon City when i'm getting a original copy of Birth Certificates, whether it's mine, my wife and kids. I'm quite aware about Teleserv's services but i wasn't able to try any of their services offered. But after attending this event, i will definitely try this one next time because of their ideas of helping out us filipinos, in delivering this kind of services, especially this kind of important documents. In a no-hassle and worry-free just calling their hotline for NSO Delivery Services and paying Php330 for NSO Birth Certifcate Delivery, Teleserv will process it for you, and you can expect this important documents right in your doorstep in 2-3 days. No more long lines, standing for more hours, no sweating and time consuming. These are the things we most hate when going to NSO, so that's we're Teleserv's come, to make the things very easy, and comfortable for us clients, while we just wait to our houses.

Here are the Teleserv's Services: Citizen Services

Birth Certificate Delivery Services:

1. Call 02-737-1111 or chat with birthcertificates services
2. Pay thru Bayad Centers, Bancnet ATM's and Metrobank (over the counter)
3. Wait for the delivery with 2-3 days

DFA Passport Appointment System:

1. Call 02-737-1000 or chat with passport services
2. Go to your scheduled personal appearance
3. Option to have the passport delivered to you or claim in DFA upon released.

POEA Balik-Manggagawa OEC Delivery:

1. Call 02-737-7777 or chat with POEA delivery services

Teleserv's is also responsible with hotline delivery numbers of the following food establishment:
Got questions? Check out their FAQs or you can ask Teleserv directly in their Facebook page.
And for more information about Teleserv, you may want check their website Pilipinas Teleserv Inc.

So going back what awaits us to this event, here are some of my souvenir photos during this Blogger's Breakfast event....^_^
who wants to try brain teasers.....^_^
A figure puzzle game was also available for every table, which i won and get a prize, a all purpose solar charger...yehey...thanks Sir Ronnie for the prize....and i'm just waiting for my additional gift as you have said being the early bird on this event....i was around 7:15am....hehehehe...
one of the easiest figure i got...^_^
It was around past 8am, when they started serving breakfast of our choices, from western, filipino and seafood breakfast meals. It was served together with a cup of brewed coffee or a glass of fresh orange juice. Aside from that each table was served breads and assorted was really a great food experience, you may want to check this out this link....A Blogger's Breakfast Treat @ Harvest.

some of my fellow bloggers....^_^
and here's another one...nice meeting all of you...^_^
Afterwards, when most of the bloggers we're done with their breakfast, the presentation started, it was a well-organized presentation by two of the excutives of Teleserv (Mr. Raffy David & Mr. Ronald de Vera), they discussed all about the pros and cons of Teleserv's services and afterwards a question and answer portion follows. Most of the questions was for the NSO representatives that was present that time....thanks po for answering all of the queries...^_^.

Sir Ronnie (in pink) & Sir Raffy (in green)
After the discussion and presentation, our most awaited part....the raffle prizes, there was 2 DVD players given, 2 The SPA certificated worth php2500 and a grand prize gadget Digital Camera....sad to say i wasn't able to got any one of the the winner is....

Ms. Blanca won DVD player
Ms. Christine got also DVD player..sorry po mata nlng..^_^
Mr. Bam got 1 of the gift certificates from The Spa
Next GC's is for Ms. Sarah....congratz...^_^
and the grand prize winner, Ms. Rochelle...amazing...^_^
Once again, thanks to the Teleserv group, Sir Ronnie and Sir Raffy for bringing up this kind of event, i do hope this would not be my last invite of your blogger's treat....

Harvest Gastro Pub
But before the event ended we received some small tokens and giveaways place in a ecofriendly bag....and here it is.....including my prize on figure puzzle contest...^_^.
Teleserv's cool giveaways....

Till the next Teleserv's Blogger's Event invite......^_^

A Breakfast Treat @ Harvest

by lakwatserong tatay

I love eating breakfast everyday, specially if it served with rice or friedrice. Eating breakfast with rice is so important to me, without it i could not start my day, my metabolism would go really weak...hehehehe...Aside from that eating breakfast, is known to be the biggest meal of the day and one of the most important meal of the day, am i right? Good thing i was luckily chosen to be part of Teleserv's Blogger's Breakfast at Harvest and was one of the first bloggers/person to try their first ever breakfast menu. Infact this restaurant is just right across my office building, this was the former Alexandre, as far as i remember...hehehe...^_^
Harvest Gastro Pub
Freshly baked rye bread, butter croissant, multigrain and baguettes were served to each of the tables. Cut assorted fruits were also served to us: pineapple, watermelon and melon.

freshly baked breads...
assorted fruits....
We were given choices for our main course of breakfast meal: Filipino, Western and Seafood meal. Personally, i choose Western because it seems in everyday of breakfast meals were always filipino choices...^_^.

It was really a great morning for all us blogger, specially the breakfast that is been served to us was really great and fantastic, while listening to the presentation prepared by the Teleserv Executive Mr. Ronald de Vera and Marketing Director Mr. Raffy David who is laso the owner of Harvest Gastro Pub. The presentation was very informative, after that question and answer follows that been answered by the NSO representatives.

my western breakfast meal...^_^

their seafood breakfast meal

their filipino breakfast meal
All of the meals we're served on a large plate, for my western meal it has double smoked bacon, ham, sausages,s scrambled egg, garlic rice and tomato ensalada. For seafood meal it has fried tuyo and bangus, scrambled egg, garlic rice and freshly cut tomatoes. For filipino meal it has ham, longanisa, beef tapa, scrambled egg, and garlic rice. For our refreshments, a choice of unlimited brewed coffee and a glass of fresh orange juice we're served.

The classy bar of Harvest Gastro Pub
Since this resto, is a gastro pub, it turns into a pub or a bar at night. It has a classy bar at the end, filled with bottles of wine, signature drinks, cocktail drinks, mocktails, beers and shakes.

The place from outside looks like very classy but as you enter inside, it has a mellow and lovely decor with its black and white theme.

The Harvest Gastro Pub @ The Fort
The staff were very friendly and attentive. This would be a great brunch spot and even a better place to go hang out at night.
All in all, if you're looking for a great spot, friendly service, bar hopping and tasty dishes, this would be the suitable place for you....^_^. Personally i'll definitely try to go dine in here soon together with my wife and share my great foodie experience...^_^

It is open from Monday to Saturday 9am to 2am, and by Sunday 12nn to 12 mn. You may reach them thru this numbers: +632 823-8341, or thru mobile number: +63 927 956-5540 or you may like them on facebook: HARVEST GASTRO PUB

Grand Hamptons Tower2
31st St. cor. 1st Avenue,
BGC, Taguig, 1634
Manila, Philippines

Friday, April 6, 2012

Slice N' Dice : Char-Grilled Steaks

by lakwatserong tatay

Here's another great foodie trip experience together with my wife. Are you looking for affordable steak in Metro Manila? Here's a food chain serving premium char-grilled steaks in a very reasonable price. This is place were your stomach will be full with different food choices from classic filipino and western dishes that have become time-tested favorites of filipino society.

Every night, as we passed by along Edsa Central Mall, we used to see this steak food chain along with Mang Inasal, Tapa King and other food chains along the side of this mall. Infact, this was along side PG 13 Pinoy Grill Restaurant, were i had already a food review post.

Slice n Dice Food Chain

dining area....
Slice N' Dice offers a wide range of char-grilled steaks affordable meals and all is a must try!

What set Slice n Dice apart from the other steakhouses in metro is that for only P99, anyone can delight themselves with the hefty char-grilled T-Bone Steak, add to that, for greater food trip experience, all food choices are freshly cooked upon order.

my fav. no. #14....^_^
Here are favorite meals...(siyempre masarap lahat toh and most of the meals medyo nasubukan na namin ng wife ko...hehehehe!) is our personal favorite....Sizzling Pork Sisig with unlimited rice, T-Bone Steak meal, Stir-fry Kangkong with Rice, and Chezzy Garlic Mussel...misis ko un mahilig sa tahong kasi ako hindi kumakain ng seafoods...hehehehehe...

There are other savory steaks like Steak-ala-Pobre and Garlic Steak - although it has slightly priced higher, they heaped into food trays faster than you can say ala-pobre. Other popular order among diners are the steak rice in various flavors and the budget meals like cream dory fillet, steak salpicao, chicken steak, garlic pork tenderloin...actually we tried most of the budget buster meals offered here in Slice N' Dice....hehehe..
Slice N' Dice is open daily 24 hours in Edsa Central Mall, there are two store in EDSA, this one of their branch and the other one is on EDSA - Starmall, along side with Max Restaurant and Chowking. Slice N' Dice Char-Grilled Steak is open to franchise. for more information you may visit there website or contact the person below...

Ms. Sol Sajorda (Franchise Sales Manager)
Tel. no.: 02-384-4004
Cel. no.: 0932-9377278 / 0918-2955558
Email at: or

***this is not a paid advetisement..just want to share our foodie experience on their food chain....