Mag-Asawang Bato Island
Padre Burgos, Quezon Province
February 27, 2010
Padre Burgos, Quezon Province
February 27, 2010
By Lakwatsero
Bound with excitement to start our adventure, our first stop is at these two tiny rock islets jutting out of sealine off the coast of Padre Burgos. When we arrived at Vista Playa it is visible from the shore. Approximately 500 meters from the coast, locals call these boulders "Mag-Asawang Bato" (married rocks). But when me and my buddy Johari is at the island, we both thought, why this rocks were called Mag-Asawang Bato when literally they are separated rocks, weren't they should be called as "Hiwalay na Bato Island" instead, don't you think?. They should be closer if they're married, right?If your on the ground the actual distance between this two boulder rocks were almost 100 meters, so do you think they can keep the marriage alive by this distance?! I don't thinks so...hehehe..........
Bound with excitement to start our adventure, our first stop is at these two tiny rock islets jutting out of sealine off the coast of Padre Burgos. When we arrived at Vista Playa it is visible from the shore. Approximately 500 meters from the coast, locals call these boulders "Mag-Asawang Bato" (married rocks). But when me and my buddy Johari is at the island, we both thought, why this rocks were called Mag-Asawang Bato when literally they are separated rocks, weren't they should be called as "Hiwalay na Bato Island" instead, don't you think?. They should be closer if they're married, right?If your on the ground the actual distance between this two boulder rocks were almost 100 meters, so do you think they can keep the marriage alive by this distance?! I don't thinks so...hehehe..........

Mag-Asawang Bato Island
Our group was really lucky on that time, because we could actually docked and step on it and take some picture actually on the Island, because few of the tripper goes in here actually could not dock due to high tide time, because only during low tide, these rock islets can be reached by foot.

Upon stepping on it, you must be wearing slippers because it can cause you some severe cuts, due to some shells that been stocks and fossilized through the stones or maybe you could be found having a head injury because of its slippery stones, some of the stones have what we called "lumots". And some of this stones do still have a water flows, with some small snails and fishes around on it.

flowing sea water on its island

X-plorerboyz on Mag-Asawang Bato Island

hey jobari, wat's on your mind? hmmm....
found new friends "Wilhelm", of YABAG Org., & "Noel", free lance photographer
Hope this tree through the years could grew as tall as it could be....i realy dont know if this is like a Mangrove Tree but for me it is looks like a tree..

These rock islets definitely make the seascape here picturesque. As you can see below the father and the mother of this Island, hope when i will be back on this place, they could have kidz....hehehehe

The Father Boulder Rock
The Mother Boulder Rock
1 comment:
nice place..hope to be in there to...
maybe by the next invitation this coming march
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